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Mormons, Marriage, Miscellanies
- Survey: Exploration of Experiences of and Resources for Same-sex Attracted Latter Day Saints
- Let Fred In, CNN
- Fred Karger to be First to File for President With the Federal Election Commission
- It's a family affair: The Leavitts leave Mormonism behind for good
- 2010′s twenty most talked-about tenuously-Mormon superstars
- Fred Karger: It Gets Better
- DAMU, I Thank You
- The Mormons invite "Big Love" writer Dustin Lance Black & Friends to MoTab X-mas Concert
- Jimmy Carter: Is the country ready for Fred Karger?
- My name is Jean Bodie and I’m an Ex Mormon.
- "Disciples" explores three exmormon lives
- Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m an Ex Mormon.
- Fred Karger joins Marc Ambinder to talk GOP debates, DADT, and shaking things up
- “Hi, my name is Mike and I’m an Ex Mormon.”
- Fred's Iowa Ad: Independence Day
- “Hi, my name is Peter Danzig, and I’m an Ex Mormon.”
- “Hi, my name is Michelle and I’m an Ex Mormon.”
- “Hi, my name is Mary Danzig and I’m an Ex Mormon.”
- Suicide Prevention Outreach and Candlelight Vigil at Mesa Mormon Temple
- Tyrell Wolfgang Owens fails to set a good Mormon example
- Why are Mormons so successful?
- Why are Mormons so rich?
- Why are Mormons so attractive?
- Why are Mormons so secretive?
- Why are Mormons so good-looking?
- Why are Mormons so happy?
- Why are Mormons so stupid?
- Why are Mormons so hot?
- Why are Mormons so nice?
- Why are Mormons so weird?
- Meet the Republican who got California and Maine to investigate NOM and the Mormon church and now intends to debate Mitt Romney on national TV
- Mollie Ziegler Hemingway wants to pin a murder on Prop 8 backlash. Don't let her.
- Hi, my name is Robert, and I’m an ex-Mormon.
- Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m a Mormon.
- Chino Blanco has relocated to Main Street Plaza
- “If I see Harry Reid in the temple, I’m going to hit him.”
- Protest planned for San Diego leg of Mitt Romney's book tour
- What is it with Utah and standing ovations? Cardinal George got one, too.
- Utah House Majority Leader Kevin Garn Gets His Standing Ovation
- BYU Management Society to award NOM director Orson Scott Card
- And the Brodie goes to ...
- Attention! Spawn of Brodie: You have until 2/22 to vote for 2009 Brodie award nominees
- Critically-acclaimed author Walter Kirn named X-Mormon of the Year 2009
- Mormon pollster Gary Lawrence: I'm the idiot who wrote "Six Consequences"
- Sundance exposure leads to Buttars meltdown
- Main Street Plaza now accepting nominations for 2009 X-Mormon of the Year
- Fred Karger: Ex-Political Pundit Embraces Gay Rights Activism
- Prop 8 Trial Twitter Feeds
- Gentile of the Year 2009 Award: Freep this Poll for Fred Karger!
- Vote Now for Mormon of the Year!
- LDS Church issues statement on Rex Rammell
- Idaho gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell announces Mormon-only male-only campaign rallies
- Ben McAdams, Utah's newest state senator: "I plan to be a visible ally for gay and transgendered Utahns."
- 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION will premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival
- Chris Buttars and Christine Johnson to Co-Sponsor Utah Gay Rights Bill?
- Thanksgiving Video Wall: Jimmy Kimmel, Chris Buttars, Sutherland Institute, Gayle Ruzicka, new EQCA ad, No on 1 docYoumentary
- Paul Mero and the Sutherland Institute: Ultra-Conservative Utah Think Tank in Open Revolt against Mormon leadership
- Mormon leadership comes out in support of (some) basic rights for (some) LGBT Utahns.
- Mormon Pollster Gary Lawrence: We Want Negative Buzz
- Transitory Psychosis: The debate that Yes on 1 doesn't want you to see!
- Fresh Vids: Moritz/Jones family, WGME debate, Gov. Baldacci, UMaine GOTV
- Maine Business Coalition Speaks Out For Marriage Equality
- Yes on 1 just called Monique Hoeflinger a liar. I hope they're ready to back up that accusation.
- Maine's Yes on 1 crew are a bunch of jerks
- 3 out of 4 ain't bad (unless you're NOM)
- D.T. in D.C.: Federal gov’t must investigate NOM’s finances
- ProtectMarriage.com v. Bowen
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (Pre-Sundance Update)
- A faithful, earnest, calm Mormon testifies against Prop 8 in church
- Swiftboating Same-Sex Marriage in Maine
- AAPC Video: Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint Discussing Prop 8 Tactics and Techniques
- Utah Reacts to Obama's Speech to US Students
- Dustin Lance Black Testimony for Harvey Milk Day
- National Organization for Marriage (NOM) 2007 Tax Return (Form 990)
- Weekend Video Roundup: BYU-Hawaii, Utah Gov. Herbert, SLC ordinance, ELCA
- Hey, NOM, you don't find your new H Street DC office a bit ... crowded?
- "No on 1" Protect Maine Equality | Meet Ron Schwizer and Doug Kimmel
- A "Perfect Storm" of Bad PR for the LDS (Mormon) Church
- Wedding Anniversary Sparks Gay Marriage Debate
- AP: Gay marriage fight, "kiss-ins" smack Mormon image
- Letter to Maine Election Officials: Watch Out for Money Laundering by NOM & Others
- SaveLiam.org : Help bring Liam McCarty home to his father
- California CD-10 Open Election: David Harmer and GOP violate election code
- Gorillas in the Mist: Mormon Main Street Plaza Surveillance Video
- Seven-Year-Old Utah Boy Makes His Getaway From Church
- LDS Main Street Plaza Kiss Surveillance Video
- Mormon-owned KSL.com: We strive to be a family-friendly site, unless the topic is gay
- Trapped in a Mormon Gulag, The Sequel
- KSL commenters weigh in on The Nationwide Kiss-In
- Ted Olson: A conservative for gay rights
- Weekend Video Roundup: Kiss and Make Up (Utah Edition)
- Mormon Gulag Money Trail: Utah Sen. Chris Buttars has Some Finances to Explain
- Useful info about organizing a Kiss-In in your area on August 15th
- August 15: The Great Nationwide Kiss-In (Facebook)
- Elegy for a Lesbian Anarchist
- LDS law professor Nate Oman: Why Conservatives Should Support Gay Marriage
- Pew Forum: A Portrait of Mormons in the U.S.
- Ron Prentice Speaks, July 2009 Edition
- Blabbeando: Must-See Interview with Ruben Diaz, Jr.
- Mormon Prophet Thomas S. Monson meets with President Obama
- Idaho Spoil Sports: Male wrestling team banned from wearing bikinis
- Why Ted Olson and I are working to overturn California's Proposition 8
- Utah NOW: The Fallout of Prop 8
- Knock, Knock, Anybody NOM?
- Calling all Gilbert, AZ friends: How many Mormon actors in NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad?
- Nobody Knows: The Untold Story of Interracial Mormon Marriages
- Danielle TRUSZKOVSKY: Meet your anti-gay adversaries
- Weekend Video Roundup: Why We Fight (Idaho Edition)
- NEWS RELEASE: Where's the Money, Maggie?
- Danielle TRUSZKOVSKY: Deception, Denial and Opus Dei
- NOM Chairman Robert P. George: "Utah will be whipped into line."
- Idaho Local TV Report Asks: What Is A Family?
- National Organization for Marriage, Inc.
- White House Looks to Include Same-Sex Unions in Census Count
- Schadenfreude II: Lightning Strikes New Mormon (LDS) Temple
- Schadenfreude: Official Mormon (LDS) Twitter Channel Gets Jacked
- Calling New Jersey: NOM Needs Another House Call
- Stand 4 Marriage rally in Albany: FLOP
- This Week in Utah: Cleve Jones and a gay bashing
- Karen Ocamb interviews Ted Olson: All of us have the right to due process and equal protection
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (Interview w/ director Reed Cowan)
- PBS: Mormons and Prop 8
- BYU-Idaho dissolves student political parties
- The New York Marriage Fund
- New York Marriage Equality: Astroturfing - Courtesy of the Same Ten (Mormon) People
- Thank you, Governor Lynch. Thank you, Amelia.
- Pastor may have lost post over Prop 8
- NOM and Cornerstone Policy Research Present: "I'm Confused"
- About that CPR-A Cornerstone Policy Research New Hampshire "Poll"
- Heroes vs Zeroes: another NOM FAIL, this time on CNN
- The LDS Church, Proposition 8, and the Federal Law of Charities
- Pres. Obama's Mother Baptized by Proxy in Mormon Temple
- Outrage: The Movie
- Note to my Mormon friends at UFI, NOM and the Digital Network Army (DNA)
- Marie Osmond Talks About Her Daughter's Civil Rights
- "No Offense" but the latest NOM ad barely rates a mention
- How many Mormon actors in NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad?
- Check out NOM's Stand4Marriage Rally facebook page
- Preeminence vs Partisanship - Utah Gov. Huntsman: Equal rights are important. NOM? Not so much.
- Monrovia City Council Election Results: Shaw in, but is Kirby out?
- William Duncan of Utah is in Maine this week to Testify against LD 1020
- Mormon Sci-Fi Author Orson Scott Card Joins National Organization for Marriage Board
- Mormon Scion Matthew S. Holland Quits the NOM Board
- Stephen Colbert May or May Not Get a Call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about his new Ad
- Utah Tea Party Roundup
- Mormons for Marriage at Sunstone West
- Glenn Beck is still Mormon. Glenn Beck is still Insane.
- The Making of a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) TV Ad
- The Quorum of the Twelve Apostates
- No Protest Planned for LDS (Mormon) General Conference
- Glenn Beck is Mormon. Glenn Beck is Insane.
- Marriage equality rally in Montpelier, Vermont
- BAR: All sides pledge speedy Prop 8 federal case
- Robert P. George makes a funny
- Nate Silver's model predicts statistically favorable environment for marriage equality in 50% of US states by 2012
- The Mormon Church is Fighting Civil Unions in Hawaii (HB444)
- Mormongate II
- MormonTV: LDS manipulation of Social Media and the hyperpolarization of America
- HBO vs. LDS: The Mormons strike back
- Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason
- Latest ARIS (American Religious Identification Survey) Stats
- American Religious Identification Survey: From 1990-2008, Mormon church in America grew 0.0% ... Mormons still 1.4% of US population
- 8: The Mormon Proposition
- LA Times has photos of "America Forever" at SF Prop 8 hearing
- "America Forever" traveled to SF from Utah to attend Prop 8 hearing.
- Buttars-Palooza!
- Ottawa, ON - Manning Networking Conference & Exhibition 2009 - March 14, 9am -12pm: Frank Schubert & Jaime Watt
- Live Video - CA Supreme Court Hearings - March 5, 9am-12noon
- FOX13 - Nov. 4th, 2008 segment about Prop 8 and the LDS church
- FOX13 - Nov. 4th, 2008 segment about Prop 8 and one LDS family
- Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint: Mormon leaders were members of the Yes on 8 campaign executive committee
- 30 Years on ... from 'The Times of Harvey Milk' to Dustin Lance Black
- Utah NOW Feb. 6 Program: Common Ground
- Chris Buttars YouTube Dump
- Mormons at the Door: Can social conservatives assimilate the LDS into their movement?
- Gayle Ruzicka and Karen Merkley persuade Utah legislature to block another Common Ground bill
- Utah State Senator Chris Buttars: Gays are "probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of."
- Utah GOP renews attack on marriage, family
- Utah lawmakers kill two more gay-rights bills
- Salt Lake County OKs adult-designees' benefits
- Utah lawmakers kill a third gay-rights bill
- Gayle Ruzicka is acquainted with the folks who ran that "America Forever" ad
- "America Forever" broke Utah law with their ad: Tell Dept. of Commerce Dir. Francine Giani to DO HER JOB ... fgiani@utah.gov
- New KSL/Deseret News Poll: 47% of Utahns support civil unions, 80% approve of civil union-supporting governor
- Utah Gothic: Gayle Ruzicka would rather be right than do right
- SL Trib's Winters: 'Hateful' ad heats up rhetoric on gay rights
- SL Trib's Walsh: America Forever, may you get cash
- America Forever's Sandra Rodrigues: "Stop Same Sex Marriage: It Endorses Masturbation."
- 1999: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah Senate committee hearing (PDF)
- 2004: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah House committee meeting (PDF)
- 2005: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah Senate committee hearing (PDF)
- 2006: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah House committee hearing (PDF)
- 2006 Deseret News report: How the Eagle Forum-America Forever Two-Step Works ... Rodrigues charges in, Ruzicka claims "neutrality"
- Is the Utah Eagle Forum funding America Forever?
- I don't believe America Forever paid for this ad. Someone else did.
- Article on Matthew Hilton and his role in the Weaver case
- Mathew Hilton has served as legal counsel for both America Forever and the Utah Eagle Forum
- Utah Eagle Forum (Gayle Ruzicka) shares same attorney (Matthew Hilton) with America Forever
- America Forever Foundation makes a new friend
- America Forever founder: "Homosexuality" sounds like "chocolate cake and ice cream."
- Salt Lake Crawler live blogs the America Forever protest at Utah's capitol.
- "America Forever Foundation" Places Full-Page Ad in SL Tribune
- Utah's very own Phelps family: the America Forever Foundation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Posted without comment: Polygamy 'Awareness Day' at the Utah State Capitol
- Mr. Karger Goes to Utah: 'Californians Against Hate' Bring Boycott and Mormongate to Salt Lake City
- B.A.R.: Prop 8 foes slow to pick up on Mormon involvement
- Rebecca Walsh of The Salt Lake Tribune: Guv, church play gay politics
- Good News: Boycott against Utah car dealer may already be over before it's begun
- Sutherland Institute hosts meeting of ‘Sacred Ground Initiative'
- Utah Gov. Huntsman: Republican, Mormon, supports the Common Ground Initiative and Civil Unions
- Utah's governor endorses civil unions
- Utahns, LDS Church spent more on Prop. 8 than previously known
- Gayle Ruzicka: There is no common ground - We oppose all attempts to secure equal rights for gay Utahns
- SACRED GROUND Meeting Recap: Excellent write-up (and discussion) re a recent Utah event (Sutherland Institute vs. Common Ground Initiative)
- Don Eaton, Mormon spokesman: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put zero money into [Prop 8]."
- Ding Dong DOMA will soon be dead
- BYU Law Prof. Lynn Wardle: Gayle Ruzicka, Chris Buttars and LaVar Christensen are delusional
- Bay Area Reporter: The Mormon factor in marriage fight (as usual, B.A.R. did its homework)
- Mormongate
- See the ad that ran in the SL Trib and Deseret News from Equality Utah
- Andrew Sullivan: Calling Mormon Bluff ... Equality Utah's ad campaign rocks!
- If you've been harassed by Prop 8 supporters, please let Sarah Troupis know about it: stroupis@bopplaw.com
- Prop 8 fallout: For Utah, it's real, and it's already happening
- LAT: Mormon church reports spending $180,000 on Proposition 8
- First of Six Common Ground Initiatives Fails During Second Day of Legislative Session
- Walsh: End LDS-legislator huddle (Rebecca takes notice of the theocracy)
- Utah Politics Explained: LDS Church OK with alternative liquor law = passage assured (nope, no theocracy here)
- Maine: The Republican Project puts marriage equality in its sights
- Maine: a blog run by some of the crew behind The Republican Project
- It's been fun, but now it's time for Chino to take a break.
- Prop 8 inspires new army of Utah activists
- Poll: Utahns back some gay rights, but not weddings or adoptions
- Jeff Flint is still a dork
- Next stop: Maine
- Prop 8 - Did Mormons Go Too Far?
- Proposition 8 boycott cited in decision to nix annual visit to Park City
- Sundance: Why Journalists Are Staying Home
- ABC Nightline runs Mormon puff piece, deletes comments
- Ted Haggard talks marriage equality
- NPR: The group invited to dine with two top Mormon officials included Politico, ABC News, The Associated Press and me.
- Nightline: Mormons Open Doors to Discuss Religion
- 8 MAPS
- bigots want to be able to put a white sheet over their heads while they engage in their campaigns of hate
- Listen in: The author of "Trapped in a Mormon Gulag" discusses Utah Boys Ranch on KRCL.org @ 6 PM MST on Friday, Jan 9th
- Richard J. Neuhaus, RIP
- Richard John Neuhaus: Is Mormonism Christian?
- Yahoo! News: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- SL Tribune: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- AP: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- Prop 8 Supports File Lawsuit: Remove Public Access to Donor Records
- Yes on 8 Campaign: Proposition 8 Proponents Challenge Campaign Finance Reporting Rules That Have Resulted in Rampant Harassment of Prop 8 Supporters
- NRO to James Bopp, Jr.: "Psst! James! We're Supposed to Be for Secret Ballots!"
- James Bopp, Jr.: "Putting the names ... on the Internet ... has caused serious problems."
- WND: Lawsuit seeks safeguards from gay 'harassment'
- Prop 8 Supporters Want to Hide Their Donations
- Prop. 8 donors sue to take names off of list after harassment, threats
- Prop 8 Supporters (Not Gays) Are The True Victims Of Prop 8?
- Prop. 8 supporters want donors anonymous
- ProtectMarriage gets all sneaky
- Poor, Poor Catholics! Poor Poor Mormons!! Boo Hoo
- Same-Sex Marriage Foes Afraid to Stand by their Donations
- Fred Karger on the PropH8 crybabies
- Proposition 8 Donors Challenge Campaign Finance Laws
- Well they've already altered one law, why not another?
- Proposition 8 contributors ask California court to hide their shame
- Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- Gay marriage foes want campaign contributions anonymous, citing 'harassment'
- Anti-Gay Donors Spooked
- Protect Marriage, NOM & Mormon Church Looks for Sympathy in Federal Law Suit
- Prop. 8 supporters file fed suit challenging campaign donor disclosure laws
- "Disclosure is unconstitutional", or, the next step toward corporate theocracy in California
- Yes on 8 Sues to Destroy Campaign Finance Laws
- ProtectMarriage.com Files Suit to Hide Identities of Campaign Donors
- Prop. 8 supporters file challenge to campaign donor laws
- Protectmarriage.com sues to hide its campaign donor records
- Trapped in a Mormon Gulag
- O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells ...
- Salt Lake Tribune: Sundance to screen a leaner, quieter festival
- Documentary Short Film: A Mormon and Shoshone Experience
- For the first time in eons, this week hundreds of beds in Park City are empty.
- LAT - Bob Barr, author of the Defense of Marriage Act: DOMA is now indefensible
- The Online Lunchpail: Right-wing lawmaker ran gulag
- one utah: Trapped in a Mormon Gulag
- LAT: Park City hotel bookings are down 15-25%, room prices slashed during this year's Sundance festival
- Latter-Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- While everyone who voted for Prop 8 may have succeeded within the narrow confines of their particular belief system, they have failed utterly as Americans.
- Trapped In A Mormon Gulag
- Fenella Cannell (London School of Economics): The Christianity of Anthropology (PDF) ... (of course, it's all about Mormons)
- Focus on the Family: Mitt Romney Admits Mormons Are Not Christian
- Dobson Caves to Evangelicals Who Call Glenn Beck a Cultist
- Rewind to January 2008: Focus on the Family claims: "Mitt Romney has 'acknowledged Mormonism is not a Christian faith'."
- Polygamy should be understood not primarily as a marital practice but as a kinship system
- CESNUR + Marriott Library + U. of Utah + Salt Lake City Mayor's Office to jointly host a conference? That's nuts. Google "CESNUR"
- Edge of Sports: Latter Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- OpEdNews: Latter Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- SL Tribune: Park City activist claims censorship by newspapers
- ParkRecord: Salt Lake City papers hike price of ad against Prop 8
- MT: Glenn Beck and Dobson's group respond to Web site ban
- American Chronicle: Dobson Throws Glenn Beck Under the Bus
- U.S. News & World Report: Focus on the Family Pulls Interview With Mormon Glenn Beck
- TWO: Focus on the Family at Odds with Christians over Mormon Promo
- Christianity Today: Focus on the Family Pulls Interview over Beck's Mormon Faith
- Colo. Springs Gazette: Focus Action axes Glenn Beck story after evangelicals complain
- SL Tribune: Focus on the Family pulls interview over Beck's Mormon faith
- Mormon Mothers Speak Out for their Gay and Lesbian Children
- SL Tribune: Then as now
- Mike Connell and Proposition 8
- SL Tribune: 27,000 letters urge LDS leader to back rights of gay Utahns
- Legacies (1996)
- D.N.A.
- SL Tribune: Christian soldiers
- We will not go away
- 1988 - 1998: Chronology Of Mormon Involvement In Same-Sex Marriage Politics (PDF)
- June 23, 2008: $19,715 donation of legal services to Prop 8 from the LDS church (PDF)
- SL Tribune: A reminder from 1963 - Protests affect LDS
- SL Tribune: One more reason Jacob Whipple rocks - SLC's first LGBT community Town Hall
- The Newsweek Poll / No More Excuses
- Prop 8 Q&A with Mormon Pollster Gary Lawrence
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir and BYU Performing Arts Tour Schedules
- Richard Cizik Resigns from the National Association of Evangelicals
- Kenji Yoshino - Prop. 8: Which Way Now?
- Proposition 8: BYU Students look back at an emotional issue
- No Mob Veto ad = Lying for the Lord
- Jon Powell calls for boycott of LDS performances over same-sex marriage debate
- No More Excuses, Utah: Anastasia Niedrich (PDF)
- Why I'm (still) mad at the Mormon church: a timeline courtesy of Stop The Mormons
- Latter-Day Army: Details of Mormons & Prop 8
- Why we're mad at the Mormon church
- LDS Newsroom: Prop 8 Backlash Is “An Outrage That Must Stop,” Group Says in Support of Church
- Mormon Homophobia: Up Close and Personal
- The invention of "quantifiably safe rhetoric": Richard Wirthlin and Ronald Reagan ...
- 2004: A Blinding Flash(back) of the Obvious
- Mesa Arizona LDS Temple Vigil
- Why no pie for Robin Wirthlin?
- NYT's editorial board endorses investigation of LDS reporting of Mormon involvement in Prop 8's passage
- Meet Our Families Day
- NY Times: Gay Marriage and a Moral Minority
- Liberty Sunday: Defending Our Freedom Against Multiple Generations of Wirthlins
- WaPo: The Obamas do more to elevate the American family than any pro-marriage initiative
- Mormons: Good at 'Going Forth' ... Not-So-Good When it Comes to the Back-and-Forth of our Democratic Process
- Mormon micro-targeting effort + FPPC investigation of the LDS church = $78 million remedy
- We Can Be Heroes: Dustin Lance Black
- Julian Ayrs dishes the dirt on Richard Raddon
- Bay Area Reporter: Connecting the Dots - The Wirthlins, The Mormons, Prop 22 and Prop 8
- NY Times: Inquiry Set on Mormon Aid for California Marriage Vote
- NY Times: We trust the court will not be intimidated (by Yes on 8 thugs).
- WaPo: Mormons' Uneasy Victory
- Prop 8 Donor Mike Nicholes: Bring 'Em On
- Proposition 8, The Mormon Coming Out Party
- New Yorker: Eight is Enough
- Probe into LDS Church's Prop 8 donations going forward
- Gary Lawrence: Familiarity breeds contempt (for Mormons)
- Salt Lake Tribune: Prop 8 involvement a P.R. fiasco for LDS Church
- Jan Shipps Speaks: It's a perfect PR storm for the LDS church
- KSL5: Gary Lawrence: Familiarity breeds contempt for people like me who campaign to strip their own children of their civil rights
- Pro-Liberty, Not Anti-Mormon
- The Eagle Foundation
- Two campaigns, two videos
- Dry Kindling: A Political Profile of American Mormons (PDF)
- Yes on 8 Campaign Manager Supports Marriage Equality for Smokers
- NYC Mormon Church Protest
- Bill Marriott: "Neither I, nor the company, contributed to the campaign to pass Proposition 8."
- Bill Marriott: The Facts About Marriott and California's Proposition 8
- National Protest Against Prop 8
- Mormon Anti-Gay Game Plan 1997-2008 (PDF)
- No matter how hard you try.
- Huffington Post: Obama Wins. And So Does Fear, Hate and Prop 8
- Sonja Eddings Brown is Rather Unpleasant
- A Prop 8 Roundtable with Sonja Eddings Brown, Marvin Perkins and Jon Stewart
- What should we ban next?
- Executive Director of SF Catholic Charities donates to the No on 8 campaign
- KSL TV5 coverage of My Favorite Mormons: Steve & Barbara Young
- Salt Lake Tribune: Glen Greener is Prop 8 ghost from Utah's weird political past
- LA Times: Debunking the myths used to promote the ban on same-sex marriage
- Walsh: LDS stand on Prop. 8 oozes irony
- LA Times: Mormons and Proposition 8
- My Favorite Mormons: Steve and Barbara Young
- AP: Former 49er Steve Young voting No on Prop. 8
- SF Chronicle: Steve Young lines up against Mormon church on Prop. 8
- Halloween Treat: My Favorite Mormons Steve & Barbara Young Publicly Oppose Proposition 8 (video)
- You are invited to a Proposition 8 Election Night Party!
- Secret Million-Dollar Mormon Donor to Prop 8 Revealed
- NPR: Andrew Callahan discusses the Mormon Church and Proposition 8 (mp3 audio)
- Ward Connerly, the affirmative action foe, takes a stand in support of same-sex marriage
- Andrew Sullivan: Marvin Perkins - homophobic Mormon and faux "community activist" - is an honest-to-goodness "Yes on 8" shill
- TNR: The anti-gay marriage crusaders in California have decided to put a very nice face on a very close-minded idea.
- Prop 8 Campaign Lies About Broad African American Opposition to Writing Discrimination into our Constitution
- Just in Time for Halloween: Spook the Neighbors with your 'Yes on 8 Zombie' Routine !!
- Lawrence Lessig: 8 minutes on Prop 8 (video)
- A big gay Mormon wedding
- Evangelical Proposition 8 Supporters are Nuts
- Enough with the Emails from Mormon McVeigh Wannabes
- Show Itzhak Perlman and his daughter the respect they deserve.
- Mormons face flak for backing Prop. 8
- A Mormon View from California
- Yes on 8 Bus Tour: Impressions at an Exhibition
- The Wirthlins are Mormon. Why am I not surprised?
- Short on cash, the Prop 8 campaign tries extortion.
- Thou Shalt Not Lie: Sign the letter to LDS President Monson
- Andrew Sullivan: The Mormon Money Behind Proposition 8
- From the desk of Frank Schubert, Yes on 8 Campaign Manager
- AP: Prop. 8 Campaign Seeks to Extort Funds from California Businesses
- Charles Barkley speaks out on marriage equality
- Mormon involvement in the Prop 8 contest is contrary to Mormon principles
- Latest Public Policy Institute Poll: Most California voters still oppose Prop 8
- Andrew Sullivan: The Mormon Church vs Civil Marriage Equality (Sullivan uses the Romney CT quote that I dug up)
- Andrew Sullivan: Mormons For Civil Rights
- Mormons Continue to Dominate California’s Yes on Prop 8 Campaign. New Total: $19.15 Million
- Huffington Post: Do Mormons Deserve Equal Protection Under the Law?
- Utah and Idaho Mormons heed the Yes on 8 campaign's rescue call
- Lavender Liberal: Ask yourself this question ...
- WhatIsProp8.com contact info: Jenny Lynne Pricer @ 310-487-1820 or jennylynne.pricer@whatisprop8.com
- The Church of Latter Day Spammers
- Sonja Eddings Brown: News Media At A Loss For Words (as if, Sonja, get a life ...)
- Vern Nelson @ The OJ Blog likes the new "No on Prop 8" ad
- Michelle Obama: Be Not Afraid
- WikiLeaks: LDS church Proposition 8 broadcast transcript, 8 Oct 2008
- Calitics: Mormons to deliver Prop 8 letters, petition to LDS Church HQ on Oct. 17th
- David Benkof: Even marriage defenders should reject Proposition 8
- Total Prop 8 Donations from Top 15 LDS Leaders: $0.00
- Vote NO on Prop 8 (and keep gov't out of our pants ... w/ great Courage Campaign video)
- DKos: kos pens another front page piece on Prop 8
- YouTube Video Response to Yes on Prop 8 Ad: Five Little Lies
- DKos: A Mormon's view of CA Prop (h)8
- MfM comments on October 8th LDS satellite broadcast re Prop 8
- Updated Yes on 8 Plans and Personnel
- Yes on Campaign Releases First TV Spot
- LA Times: Mass display of Proposition 8 support delayed
- OC Register: Intrusion into marriage should be even-handed
- Chino Blanco's YouTube Channel
- Paul Newman 1925 - 2008
- Ken Boyd ... Baghdad Boyd?
- Comments on the WSJ's 'Mormons Boost Antigay Marriage Effort'
- D-Day: Prop. 8: The Relay Fast
- WikiLeaks: Latest LDS (Mormon) Prop 8 campaign plans
- JM: 'Six Consequences' author had rocky start in Salt Lake politics
- Calitics: The Floundering Yes on 8 Campaign: One Million Missing Lawn Signs Found in ... (wait for it) ... China!
- Boi From Troy: Where are those Million Yard Signs?
- JM: Anonymous 'Six Consequences' tied to LDS PR flack Glen Greener and Protectmarriage.com
- Wall Street Journal: Mormons Boost Antigay Marriage Effort
- Latest Field Poll Delight: Support for Prop 8 is at 38%
- DKos: What Do Mormons Have Against Love?
- PHB: The Unexpected Message The Yes On 8 Campaign Sends To Jews, Mormons, And Other Non-Evangelicals
- BYU Law Professor: "Six Consequences" = "Six Falsehoods" (PDF)
- Fat Salaries For "Yes on 8" Campaign's Evangelical Directors: Paid For By LDS (Mormon) Contributions
- OC Register: Crusading for ‘Judeo-Christian values’ doesn’t come cheap
- SoCal Journo Justin McClachlan rakes California Family Council muck
- LL: Some Upbeat Prop 8 News, If You Promise Not to Get Complacent
- Ron Prentice Gets Rich Fighting Gay Marriage
- David Benkof Redeems Himself: Right-wing nonsense
- Robert Latham: You Know Everything About Same-Sex Marriage
- Thrice-married Newt Gingrich: Brave Champion of Proposition 8
- One Mormon's Letter to The Salt Lake Tribune: Get it straight
- LL: Six Big Lies the Freedom-Haters Are Spreading About Prop 8
- Is the LDS (Mormon) Church telling the truth about Proposition 8?
- Huckabee: Romney responsible for implementing gay marriage in Massachusetts
- Frank Schubert: Micro-targeting Mormons
- Mormon Prop 8 Plan: 1,000,000 yard signs
- Vern Nelson @ The OJ Blog: Jubal’s Terror Unfounded: Schubert Flint NOT Overrun by Gay Yippie Bloggers!
- More Proposition 8 lies from the "Yes on 8" campaign
- ACTION ALERT: Tell the Right-Wing Consultants NO to Prop 8!
- August 14th Action in Irvine: Schubert Flint Open House
- Irvine CA 92614: Prop 8 Action Alert
- Prop 8 Photo Essay: Jennifer Kerns
- "Yes on 8" RSVP? Need your advice.
- Steven Greenhut: Hypocrisy and gay marriage
- Red County blogger Jeff Flint is the Prop. 8 consultant
- Carlyle Potter: Is Jesus pleased?
- Derek Price: Feeling the spirit of political rules
- Googling Gay Marriage: Putting a Fork in Prop 8
- The Prop 8 ATM: A Christmas Carol for Jeff Flint
- Meet Rameumptom, Inc: Schubert-Flint
- 9Moons: California Mormons Won’t Be Cool with Acts of Protest at Their Chapels
- An invitation to show up or walk out on June 29th
- BCC: Same-sex marriage and hypocrisy?
- Mormons enter California marriage fight
- New York Marriage Equality: Astroturfing - Courtesy of the Same Ten (Mormon) People
- Thank you, Governor Lynch. Thank you, Amelia.
- Pastor may have lost post over Prop 8
- NOM and Cornerstone Policy Research Present: "I'm Confused"
- About that CPR-A Cornerstone Policy Research New Hampshire "Poll"
- Heroes vs Zeroes: another NOM FAIL, this time on CNN
- The LDS Church, Proposition 8, and the Federal Law of Charities
- Pres. Obama's Mother Baptized by Proxy in Mormon Temple
- Outrage: The Movie
- Note to my Mormon friends at UFI, NOM and the Digital Network Army (DNA)
- Marie Osmond Talks About Her Daughter's Civil Rights
- "No Offense" but the latest NOM ad barely rates a mention
- How many Mormon actors in NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad?
- Check out NOM's Stand4Marriage Rally facebook page
- Preeminence vs Partisanship - Utah Gov. Huntsman: Equal rights are important. NOM? Not so much.
- Monrovia City Council Election Results: Shaw in, but is Kirby out?
- William Duncan of Utah is in Maine this week to Testify against LD 1020
- Mormon Sci-Fi Author Orson Scott Card Joins National Organization for Marriage Board
- Mormon Scion Matthew S. Holland Quits the NOM Board
- Stephen Colbert May or May Not Get a Call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about his new Ad
- Utah Tea Party Roundup
- Mormons for Marriage at Sunstone West
- Glenn Beck is still Mormon. Glenn Beck is still Insane.
- The Making of a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) TV Ad
- The Quorum of the Twelve Apostates
- No Protest Planned for LDS (Mormon) General Conference
- Glenn Beck is Mormon. Glenn Beck is Insane.
- Marriage equality rally in Montpelier, Vermont
- USA Today: If only Romney's supporters would act more like Mormon missionaries, the bias against Mitt would melt away.
- Mormon-owned Deseret News: Robert P. George is a philistine and Chuck Colson a boor
- Prop 8 redux! Some radical wacko is tracking Mormon prophet Thomas S. Monson using Google maps!
- Californians Against Hate: Manhattan Declaration -- Who Are They Kidding?
- Persecution Politics: Christian Leaders Sign Historic-Futuristic Declaration
- Maine’s Election Ethics Commission “Eager” to Continue Investigation into the National Organization for Marriage’s Role in Referendum Campaign against Marriage Equality
- Why the recent LDS statement in support of SLC nondiscrimination ordinances really does matter: The history of the LDS Church's position on housing and employment rights for gays
- Sutherland Institute's latest bright idea: Eliminate Utah Office of Tourism
- Buttarspalooza 2.0! In his own words: Utah Senator Chris Buttars Doesn't Want The Gays Stuffing It Down His Throat All The Time
- Gayle Ruzicka: Mormon church is wrong to oppose discrimination against LGBT Utahns
- Sutherland Institute: Mormon support for fair housing and employment = "giving a mouse a cookie"
- Dan Aiello: A kiss helps bring civil rights to Salt Lake City
- Utah Senator Chris Buttars "I accept the verbiage of the Mormon church." Verbiage? What a creep.
- Sutherland president Paul Mero ties religion to political thought
- NY Times: Mormon Support of Gay Rights Statute Draws Praise
- WaPo: Scott Fish claims Mormons not funding Maine campaign
- NOM in Maine: Follow the money, if you can
- Attorney General to NOM: Get into compliance with Maine law before the election. "Why not? What is there to hide?"
- NY Times: BYU students travel to Maine, LDS Church in Maine encouraging members to get involved in the Question One campaign
- Mormon Like Me: Black Saints, Bigots, and Beck
- For LDS, the handwriting is on the wall: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN
- As California's fight over gay marriage moves to Maine, so do the Wirthlins.
- I was hungry, you gave me hate, I was sick, you gave me lies.
- Uncovering secrets in Maine
- Mormon Marriott's Moral Masquerade: Hotel Chain Profits off of Unsafe Porn, Says AHF
- Stand for Marriage Maine's New TV Ad is pulled from YouTube due to Copyright Infringement
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (the movie - first trailer now online!)
- LA Times: Mormon Mainer Miriam Conners talks Yes on 1: "There is no family without mom and dad." Really, Miriam? None?
- The Religious Right is Swiftboating Same Sex Marriage in Maine
- The Gathering Storm Against NOM
- “No on 1” Ad Pre-empts Attacks from the Right
- Maine’s Anti-Equality Bait and Switch Auditions
- Criswell Associates and Coyote Films producing the sequel to NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad
- Red Flags in NOM Tax Return
- The real Common Sense America?
- So, who runs Common Sense America?
- Battle Lines Drawn In Maine Same-Sex Debate
- National Organization for Marriage 2007 tax return
- Michelangelo Signorile asks Brian Brown about Common Sense America
- LAT: The federal case on Prop. 8 could get ugly, with every canard about homosexuality being put on trial.
- How the Mormons finally got to meet the Pope: Prop 8.
- NCAA officials: BYU-Hawaii gets 3 years of probation for failing to monitor athletics program
- Polling Report: Court Decisions and Trends in Support for Same-Sex Marriage
- NOM's Brian Brown: “What kind of a country have we become ... ?"
- Maine asked to probe marriage referendum fundraising
- Take the Pledge to Defeat 1 | Protect Maine Equality
- AP: Maine Marriage Campaign Draws Complaint
- Breaking: Gay Marriage Leads to Deforestation
- Portland Diocese: Our recent $100K political donation came from a mystery donor
- National Organization for Marriage says HD90 is just the beginning
- Misplaced Catholic priorities in Maine means three churches will close
- An odd silence on gay marriage
- 'The Odd Couple': Sen. Orrin Hatch on his long friendship with Sen. Kennedy
- “My dad thinks it would be a bad business idea if I ever married a black girl.”
- First Sunday For ELCA (Lutheran) Churches After Historic Vote
- Church changes signage after controversial vote on homosexuality
- "I will make every effort to build as large and respectable a closet as possible for you."
- NOM Skirts IRS Regulations on Disclosure of Tax Returns
- Boies and Olson want to depose Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint
- Ted's Excellent Adventure - NYT: An Unexpected Ally's Road to Championing Same-Sex Marriage
- Karen Merkley's latest brilliant idea - MGF: Adopt-a-Site scheme for Mormon astroturfers
- I ♥ Holland - UFI: Dutch media leery of World Congress of Families wingnuts
- Newsweek: 'Big Love' Gets Unwarranted Criticism From Mormon Church
- "Big Love," the Temple, and What is Sacred: A Review
- Prop. 8 Press Sec. Sonja Eddings Brown issues "Big Love" instructions
- Kirby: Are ceremonies so sacred, or are Mormons insecure?
- Salt Lake Tribune: No need for an HBO apology on 'Big Love'
- Wrong on both counts
News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.
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