Are religious groups illegally funding anti-gay political battles in America?
Guest post by Danielle Truszkovsky, marking the beginning of a week-long in-depth look at the NOM.
Originally published in the South Florida Blade.
On April 17, 2009 I made a trip from Florida to Princeton, NJ, for the sole purpose of visiting 20 Nassau Street. One of the organizations in this building, formerly in Suite 242, is the Witherspoon Institute, an “independent research center” that works to uphold Republican policies; the same suite, 242, is also home to the National Organization for Marriage, which spearheaded the multi-million dollar homophobic “Yes on 8” campaign in California.
It was no surprise to discover a Republican-affiliated organization is tied to the National Organization for Marriage. However—according to the Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN), the Witherspoon Institute is an “Opus Dei-affiliated organization.”
Opus Dei is the controversial sect within the Roman Catholic Church that gained notoriety in the best-selling novel and blockbuster film, The Da Vinci Code. The term Opus Dei is Latin for, “work of God.” A 2006 Time Magazine article reported that there are approximately 85,500 members of the group worldwide with a “mere 3,000 in the US,” yet it is estimated that Opus assets are roughly $344 million dollars within the US—and $2.8 billion globally.
Religious organizations, or any “non-profit” organizations, are not legally allowed to engage in political lobbying, or they lose their tax-exempt status. Presuming this really is is an “Opus Dei-affiliated” foundation, why is it tied to the same office as an anti-gay political lobbying group? What influence, if any, does Opus Dei have on NOM and/or its Board Members? And where are they sending their money? How interesting that all these organizations, worth millions and millions of dollars, are tied to this one little office in New Jersey…suite 242.
When I started researching NOM several months ago, I found an interesting commonality: a man named Luis Tellez is on the Board of NOM, serves as President of the Witherspoon Institute, and also holds the title of “Numerary” in Opus Dei. According to ODAN, “Numerary members pledge to remain celibate and generally live in Opus Dei houses. They commit their entire salaries to Opus Dei, submit incoming and outgoing mail to their directors, and practice various forms of corporal mortification...”
Tellez agreed to a phone interview, and he vehemently denies ODAN’s claims that the political “research center” Witherspoon Institute is affiliated with Opus Dei. He says, “Opus Dei doesn’t work that way.” So I asked about the similar address for Witherspoon and NOM. Tellez said that Witherspoon “rented the space on a month-to-month basis,” and when they were ready to vacate, he recommended to NOM that they look into renting the office.
He also denies any correlation between Opus Dei and NOM. He went on to say that his work with Opus Dei is “personal” and “takes place in the evenings and on weekends.” But as he devotes his life’s work (and much of his salary) to Opus Dei, how is it possible then that this work only occurs on nights and weekends?
There is another interesting connection which should be noted. Inspection of the Witherspoon’s IRS tax form 990 filed in June 2007 reveals grants made to the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy (IMAPP). Margaret “Maggie” Gallagher is the President of the IMAPP. She, along with Tellez, are also both on the Board of NOM, with Gallagher serving as President.
Tellez said, “It is likely that Witherspoon may have written a check to the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy to cover professional services rendered by Maggie Gallagher... we are very proud to have been able to enlist her professional work in the formulation of ‘Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles…’” These “principles” make up the document that Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) used as the basis to push for the 2006 U.S. Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. And guess what? According to Rolling Stone magazine, Brownback converted to Catholicism through Opus Dei in 2002.
It is difficult to tell if Opus Dei is illegally donating funds because churches don't have to file IRS 990s. Even then, it is possible that they didn't donate directly, and instead just pressured their congregations to do so. The paper trail is virtually impossible to follow.
In the meantime, NOM will continue to assault the American public with the same old homophobic arguments, including their famously ominous “there’s a storm gathering” commercial campaign, featuring Damon Owens as the voice of the “rainbow coalition,” speaking against civil rights for gay Americans. Interestingly enough, Owens is a member of Opus Dei.
It is dangerous when religious organizations use their tremendous resources and spiritual influence to create one-sided research, presented as facts which are packaged into multi-million dollar ad campaigns . Ideally, the best solution would be to require all churches to be completely transparent with their financial records; however, minimally, an investigation should be made in this case to determine to what degree Opus Dei has participated in lobbying and also into NOM to determine how much they may have benefited from these efforts.
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- Hi, my name is Robert, and I’m an ex-Mormon.
- Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m a Mormon.
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- Thanksgiving Video Wall: Jimmy Kimmel, Chris Buttars, Sutherland Institute, Gayle Ruzicka, new EQCA ad, No on 1 docYoumentary
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- Yes on 1 just called Monique Hoeflinger a liar. I hope they're ready to back up that accusation.
- Maine's Yes on 1 crew are a bunch of jerks
- 3 out of 4 ain't bad (unless you're NOM)
- D.T. in D.C.: Federal gov’t must investigate NOM’s finances
- v. Bowen
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (Pre-Sundance Update)
- A faithful, earnest, calm Mormon testifies against Prop 8 in church
- Swiftboating Same-Sex Marriage in Maine
- AAPC Video: Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint Discussing Prop 8 Tactics and Techniques
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- Dustin Lance Black Testimony for Harvey Milk Day
- National Organization for Marriage (NOM) 2007 Tax Return (Form 990)
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- A "Perfect Storm" of Bad PR for the LDS (Mormon) Church
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- AP: Gay marriage fight, "kiss-ins" smack Mormon image
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- : Help bring Liam McCarty home to his father
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- Gorillas in the Mist: Mormon Main Street Plaza Surveillance Video
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- LDS Main Street Plaza Kiss Surveillance Video
- Mormon-owned We strive to be a family-friendly site, unless the topic is gay
- Trapped in a Mormon Gulag, The Sequel
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- Ted Olson: A conservative for gay rights
- Weekend Video Roundup: Kiss and Make Up (Utah Edition)
- Mormon Gulag Money Trail: Utah Sen. Chris Buttars has Some Finances to Explain
- Useful info about organizing a Kiss-In in your area on August 15th
- August 15: The Great Nationwide Kiss-In (Facebook)
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- Weekend Video Roundup: Why We Fight (Idaho Edition)
- NEWS RELEASE: Where's the Money, Maggie?
- Danielle TRUSZKOVSKY: Deception, Denial and Opus Dei
- NOM Chairman Robert P. George: "Utah will be whipped into line."
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- National Organization for Marriage, Inc.
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- Karen Ocamb interviews Ted Olson: All of us have the right to due process and equal protection
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (Interview w/ director Reed Cowan)
- PBS: Mormons and Prop 8
- BYU-Idaho dissolves student political parties
- The New York Marriage Fund
- New York Marriage Equality: Astroturfing - Courtesy of the Same Ten (Mormon) People
- Thank you, Governor Lynch. Thank you, Amelia.
- Pastor may have lost post over Prop 8
- NOM and Cornerstone Policy Research Present: "I'm Confused"
- About that CPR-A Cornerstone Policy Research New Hampshire "Poll"
- Heroes vs Zeroes: another NOM FAIL, this time on CNN
- The LDS Church, Proposition 8, and the Federal Law of Charities
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- Outrage: The Movie
- Note to my Mormon friends at UFI, NOM and the Digital Network Army (DNA)
- Marie Osmond Talks About Her Daughter's Civil Rights
- "No Offense" but the latest NOM ad barely rates a mention
- How many Mormon actors in NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad?
- Check out NOM's Stand4Marriage Rally facebook page
- Preeminence vs Partisanship - Utah Gov. Huntsman: Equal rights are important. NOM? Not so much.
- Monrovia City Council Election Results: Shaw in, but is Kirby out?
- William Duncan of Utah is in Maine this week to Testify against LD 1020
- Mormon Sci-Fi Author Orson Scott Card Joins National Organization for Marriage Board
- Mormon Scion Matthew S. Holland Quits the NOM Board
- Stephen Colbert May or May Not Get a Call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about his new Ad
- Utah Tea Party Roundup
- Mormons for Marriage at Sunstone West
- Glenn Beck is still Mormon. Glenn Beck is still Insane.
- The Making of a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) TV Ad
- The Quorum of the Twelve Apostates
- No Protest Planned for LDS (Mormon) General Conference
- Glenn Beck is Mormon. Glenn Beck is Insane.
- Marriage equality rally in Montpelier, Vermont
- BAR: All sides pledge speedy Prop 8 federal case
- Robert P. George makes a funny
- Nate Silver's model predicts statistically favorable environment for marriage equality in 50% of US states by 2012
- The Mormon Church is Fighting Civil Unions in Hawaii (HB444)
- Mormongate II
- MormonTV: LDS manipulation of Social Media and the hyperpolarization of America
- HBO vs. LDS: The Mormons strike back
- Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason
- Latest ARIS (American Religious Identification Survey) Stats
- American Religious Identification Survey: From 1990-2008, Mormon church in America grew 0.0% ... Mormons still 1.4% of US population
- 8: The Mormon Proposition
- LA Times has photos of "America Forever" at SF Prop 8 hearing
- "America Forever" traveled to SF from Utah to attend Prop 8 hearing.
- Buttars-Palooza!
- Ottawa, ON - Manning Networking Conference & Exhibition 2009 - March 14, 9am -12pm: Frank Schubert & Jaime Watt
- Live Video - CA Supreme Court Hearings - March 5, 9am-12noon
- FOX13 - Nov. 4th, 2008 segment about Prop 8 and the LDS church
- FOX13 - Nov. 4th, 2008 segment about Prop 8 and one LDS family
- Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint: Mormon leaders were members of the Yes on 8 campaign executive committee
- 30 Years on ... from 'The Times of Harvey Milk' to Dustin Lance Black
- Utah NOW Feb. 6 Program: Common Ground
- Chris Buttars YouTube Dump
- Mormons at the Door: Can social conservatives assimilate the LDS into their movement?
- Gayle Ruzicka and Karen Merkley persuade Utah legislature to block another Common Ground bill
- Utah State Senator Chris Buttars: Gays are "probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of."
- Utah GOP renews attack on marriage, family
- Utah lawmakers kill two more gay-rights bills
- Salt Lake County OKs adult-designees' benefits
- Utah lawmakers kill a third gay-rights bill
- Gayle Ruzicka is acquainted with the folks who ran that "America Forever" ad
- "America Forever" broke Utah law with their ad: Tell Dept. of Commerce Dir. Francine Giani to DO HER JOB ...
- New KSL/Deseret News Poll: 47% of Utahns support civil unions, 80% approve of civil union-supporting governor
- Utah Gothic: Gayle Ruzicka would rather be right than do right
- SL Trib's Winters: 'Hateful' ad heats up rhetoric on gay rights
- SL Trib's Walsh: America Forever, may you get cash
- America Forever's Sandra Rodrigues: "Stop Same Sex Marriage: It Endorses Masturbation."
- 1999: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah Senate committee hearing (PDF)
- 2004: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah House committee meeting (PDF)
- 2005: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah Senate committee hearing (PDF)
- 2006: America Forever and Utah Eagle Forum together at Utah House committee hearing (PDF)
- 2006 Deseret News report: How the Eagle Forum-America Forever Two-Step Works ... Rodrigues charges in, Ruzicka claims "neutrality"
- Is the Utah Eagle Forum funding America Forever?
- I don't believe America Forever paid for this ad. Someone else did.
- Article on Matthew Hilton and his role in the Weaver case
- Mathew Hilton has served as legal counsel for both America Forever and the Utah Eagle Forum
- Utah Eagle Forum (Gayle Ruzicka) shares same attorney (Matthew Hilton) with America Forever
- America Forever Foundation makes a new friend
- America Forever founder: "Homosexuality" sounds like "chocolate cake and ice cream."
- Salt Lake Crawler live blogs the America Forever protest at Utah's capitol.
- "America Forever Foundation" Places Full-Page Ad in SL Tribune
- Utah's very own Phelps family: the America Forever Foundation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Posted without comment: Polygamy 'Awareness Day' at the Utah State Capitol
- Mr. Karger Goes to Utah: 'Californians Against Hate' Bring Boycott and Mormongate to Salt Lake City
- B.A.R.: Prop 8 foes slow to pick up on Mormon involvement
- Rebecca Walsh of The Salt Lake Tribune: Guv, church play gay politics
- Good News: Boycott against Utah car dealer may already be over before it's begun
- Sutherland Institute hosts meeting of ‘Sacred Ground Initiative'
- Utah Gov. Huntsman: Republican, Mormon, supports the Common Ground Initiative and Civil Unions
- Utah's governor endorses civil unions
- Utahns, LDS Church spent more on Prop. 8 than previously known
- Gayle Ruzicka: There is no common ground - We oppose all attempts to secure equal rights for gay Utahns
- SACRED GROUND Meeting Recap: Excellent write-up (and discussion) re a recent Utah event (Sutherland Institute vs. Common Ground Initiative)
- Don Eaton, Mormon spokesman: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put zero money into [Prop 8]."
- Ding Dong DOMA will soon be dead
- BYU Law Prof. Lynn Wardle: Gayle Ruzicka, Chris Buttars and LaVar Christensen are delusional
- Bay Area Reporter: The Mormon factor in marriage fight (as usual, B.A.R. did its homework)
- Mormongate
- See the ad that ran in the SL Trib and Deseret News from Equality Utah
- Andrew Sullivan: Calling Mormon Bluff ... Equality Utah's ad campaign rocks!
- If you've been harassed by Prop 8 supporters, please let Sarah Troupis know about it:
- Prop 8 fallout: For Utah, it's real, and it's already happening
- LAT: Mormon church reports spending $180,000 on Proposition 8
- First of Six Common Ground Initiatives Fails During Second Day of Legislative Session
- Walsh: End LDS-legislator huddle (Rebecca takes notice of the theocracy)
- Utah Politics Explained: LDS Church OK with alternative liquor law = passage assured (nope, no theocracy here)
- Maine: The Republican Project puts marriage equality in its sights
- Maine: a blog run by some of the crew behind The Republican Project
- It's been fun, but now it's time for Chino to take a break.
- Prop 8 inspires new army of Utah activists
- Poll: Utahns back some gay rights, but not weddings or adoptions
- Jeff Flint is still a dork
- Next stop: Maine
- Prop 8 - Did Mormons Go Too Far?
- Proposition 8 boycott cited in decision to nix annual visit to Park City
- Sundance: Why Journalists Are Staying Home
- ABC Nightline runs Mormon puff piece, deletes comments
- Ted Haggard talks marriage equality
- NPR: The group invited to dine with two top Mormon officials included Politico, ABC News, The Associated Press and me.
- Nightline: Mormons Open Doors to Discuss Religion
- 8 MAPS
- bigots want to be able to put a white sheet over their heads while they engage in their campaigns of hate
- Listen in: The author of "Trapped in a Mormon Gulag" discusses Utah Boys Ranch on @ 6 PM MST on Friday, Jan 9th
- Richard J. Neuhaus, RIP
- Richard John Neuhaus: Is Mormonism Christian?
- Yahoo! News: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- SL Tribune: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- AP: Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- Prop 8 Supports File Lawsuit: Remove Public Access to Donor Records
- Yes on 8 Campaign: Proposition 8 Proponents Challenge Campaign Finance Reporting Rules That Have Resulted in Rampant Harassment of Prop 8 Supporters
- NRO to James Bopp, Jr.: "Psst! James! We're Supposed to Be for Secret Ballots!"
- James Bopp, Jr.: "Putting the names ... on the Internet ... has caused serious problems."
- WND: Lawsuit seeks safeguards from gay 'harassment'
- Prop 8 Supporters Want to Hide Their Donations
- Prop. 8 donors sue to take names off of list after harassment, threats
- Prop 8 Supporters (Not Gays) Are The True Victims Of Prop 8?
- Prop. 8 supporters want donors anonymous
- ProtectMarriage gets all sneaky
- Poor, Poor Catholics! Poor Poor Mormons!! Boo Hoo
- Same-Sex Marriage Foes Afraid to Stand by their Donations
- Fred Karger on the PropH8 crybabies
- Proposition 8 Donors Challenge Campaign Finance Laws
- Well they've already altered one law, why not another?
- Proposition 8 contributors ask California court to hide their shame
- Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous
- Gay marriage foes want campaign contributions anonymous, citing 'harassment'
- Anti-Gay Donors Spooked
- Protect Marriage, NOM & Mormon Church Looks for Sympathy in Federal Law Suit
- Prop. 8 supporters file fed suit challenging campaign donor disclosure laws
- "Disclosure is unconstitutional", or, the next step toward corporate theocracy in California
- Yes on 8 Sues to Destroy Campaign Finance Laws
- Files Suit to Hide Identities of Campaign Donors
- Prop. 8 supporters file challenge to campaign donor laws
- sues to hide its campaign donor records
- Trapped in a Mormon Gulag
- O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells ...
- Salt Lake Tribune: Sundance to screen a leaner, quieter festival
- Documentary Short Film: A Mormon and Shoshone Experience
- For the first time in eons, this week hundreds of beds in Park City are empty.
- LAT - Bob Barr, author of the Defense of Marriage Act: DOMA is now indefensible
- The Online Lunchpail: Right-wing lawmaker ran gulag
- one utah: Trapped in a Mormon Gulag
- LAT: Park City hotel bookings are down 15-25%, room prices slashed during this year's Sundance festival
- Latter-Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- While everyone who voted for Prop 8 may have succeeded within the narrow confines of their particular belief system, they have failed utterly as Americans.
- Trapped In A Mormon Gulag
- Fenella Cannell (London School of Economics): The Christianity of Anthropology (PDF) ... (of course, it's all about Mormons)
- Focus on the Family: Mitt Romney Admits Mormons Are Not Christian
- Dobson Caves to Evangelicals Who Call Glenn Beck a Cultist
- Rewind to January 2008: Focus on the Family claims: "Mitt Romney has 'acknowledged Mormonism is not a Christian faith'."
- Polygamy should be understood not primarily as a marital practice but as a kinship system
- CESNUR + Marriott Library + U. of Utah + Salt Lake City Mayor's Office to jointly host a conference? That's nuts. Google "CESNUR"
- Edge of Sports: Latter Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- OpEdNews: Latter Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports
- SL Tribune: Park City activist claims censorship by newspapers
- ParkRecord: Salt Lake City papers hike price of ad against Prop 8
- MT: Glenn Beck and Dobson's group respond to Web site ban
- American Chronicle: Dobson Throws Glenn Beck Under the Bus
- U.S. News & World Report: Focus on the Family Pulls Interview With Mormon Glenn Beck
- TWO: Focus on the Family at Odds with Christians over Mormon Promo
- Christianity Today: Focus on the Family Pulls Interview over Beck's Mormon Faith
- Colo. Springs Gazette: Focus Action axes Glenn Beck story after evangelicals complain
- SL Tribune: Focus on the Family pulls interview over Beck's Mormon faith
- Mormon Mothers Speak Out for their Gay and Lesbian Children
- SL Tribune: Then as now
- Mike Connell and Proposition 8
- SL Tribune: 27,000 letters urge LDS leader to back rights of gay Utahns
- Legacies (1996)
- D.N.A.
- SL Tribune: Christian soldiers
- We will not go away
- 1988 - 1998: Chronology Of Mormon Involvement In Same-Sex Marriage Politics (PDF)
- June 23, 2008: $19,715 donation of legal services to Prop 8 from the LDS church (PDF)
- SL Tribune: A reminder from 1963 - Protests affect LDS
- SL Tribune: One more reason Jacob Whipple rocks - SLC's first LGBT community Town Hall
- The Newsweek Poll / No More Excuses
- Prop 8 Q&A with Mormon Pollster Gary Lawrence
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir and BYU Performing Arts Tour Schedules
- Richard Cizik Resigns from the National Association of Evangelicals
- Kenji Yoshino - Prop. 8: Which Way Now?
- Proposition 8: BYU Students look back at an emotional issue
- No Mob Veto ad = Lying for the Lord
- Jon Powell calls for boycott of LDS performances over same-sex marriage debate
- No More Excuses, Utah: Anastasia Niedrich (PDF)
- Why I'm (still) mad at the Mormon church: a timeline courtesy of Stop The Mormons
- Latter-Day Army: Details of Mormons & Prop 8
- Why we're mad at the Mormon church
- LDS Newsroom: Prop 8 Backlash Is “An Outrage That Must Stop,” Group Says in Support of Church
- Mormon Homophobia: Up Close and Personal
- The invention of "quantifiably safe rhetoric": Richard Wirthlin and Ronald Reagan ...
- 2004: A Blinding Flash(back) of the Obvious
- Mesa Arizona LDS Temple Vigil
- Why no pie for Robin Wirthlin?
- NYT's editorial board endorses investigation of LDS reporting of Mormon involvement in Prop 8's passage
- Meet Our Families Day
- NY Times: Gay Marriage and a Moral Minority
- Liberty Sunday: Defending Our Freedom Against Multiple Generations of Wirthlins
- WaPo: The Obamas do more to elevate the American family than any pro-marriage initiative
- Mormons: Good at 'Going Forth' ... Not-So-Good When it Comes to the Back-and-Forth of our Democratic Process
- Mormon micro-targeting effort + FPPC investigation of the LDS church = $78 million remedy
- We Can Be Heroes: Dustin Lance Black
- Julian Ayrs dishes the dirt on Richard Raddon
- Bay Area Reporter: Connecting the Dots - The Wirthlins, The Mormons, Prop 22 and Prop 8
- NY Times: Inquiry Set on Mormon Aid for California Marriage Vote
- NY Times: We trust the court will not be intimidated (by Yes on 8 thugs).
- WaPo: Mormons' Uneasy Victory
- Prop 8 Donor Mike Nicholes: Bring 'Em On
- Proposition 8, The Mormon Coming Out Party
- New Yorker: Eight is Enough
- Probe into LDS Church's Prop 8 donations going forward
- Gary Lawrence: Familiarity breeds contempt (for Mormons)
- Salt Lake Tribune: Prop 8 involvement a P.R. fiasco for LDS Church
- Jan Shipps Speaks: It's a perfect PR storm for the LDS church
- KSL5: Gary Lawrence: Familiarity breeds contempt for people like me who campaign to strip their own children of their civil rights
- Pro-Liberty, Not Anti-Mormon
- The Eagle Foundation
- Two campaigns, two videos
- Dry Kindling: A Political Profile of American Mormons (PDF)
- Yes on 8 Campaign Manager Supports Marriage Equality for Smokers
- NYC Mormon Church Protest
- Bill Marriott: "Neither I, nor the company, contributed to the campaign to pass Proposition 8."
- Bill Marriott: The Facts About Marriott and California's Proposition 8
- National Protest Against Prop 8
- Mormon Anti-Gay Game Plan 1997-2008 (PDF)
- No matter how hard you try.
- Huffington Post: Obama Wins. And So Does Fear, Hate and Prop 8
- Sonja Eddings Brown is Rather Unpleasant
- A Prop 8 Roundtable with Sonja Eddings Brown, Marvin Perkins and Jon Stewart
- What should we ban next?
- Executive Director of SF Catholic Charities donates to the No on 8 campaign
- KSL TV5 coverage of My Favorite Mormons: Steve & Barbara Young
- Salt Lake Tribune: Glen Greener is Prop 8 ghost from Utah's weird political past
- LA Times: Debunking the myths used to promote the ban on same-sex marriage
- Walsh: LDS stand on Prop. 8 oozes irony
- LA Times: Mormons and Proposition 8
- My Favorite Mormons: Steve and Barbara Young
- AP: Former 49er Steve Young voting No on Prop. 8
- SF Chronicle: Steve Young lines up against Mormon church on Prop. 8
- Halloween Treat: My Favorite Mormons Steve & Barbara Young Publicly Oppose Proposition 8 (video)
- You are invited to a Proposition 8 Election Night Party!
- Secret Million-Dollar Mormon Donor to Prop 8 Revealed
- NPR: Andrew Callahan discusses the Mormon Church and Proposition 8 (mp3 audio)
- Ward Connerly, the affirmative action foe, takes a stand in support of same-sex marriage
- Andrew Sullivan: Marvin Perkins - homophobic Mormon and faux "community activist" - is an honest-to-goodness "Yes on 8" shill
- TNR: The anti-gay marriage crusaders in California have decided to put a very nice face on a very close-minded idea.
- Prop 8 Campaign Lies About Broad African American Opposition to Writing Discrimination into our Constitution
- Just in Time for Halloween: Spook the Neighbors with your 'Yes on 8 Zombie' Routine !!
- Lawrence Lessig: 8 minutes on Prop 8 (video)
- A big gay Mormon wedding
- Evangelical Proposition 8 Supporters are Nuts
- Enough with the Emails from Mormon McVeigh Wannabes
- Show Itzhak Perlman and his daughter the respect they deserve.
- Mormons face flak for backing Prop. 8
- A Mormon View from California
- Yes on 8 Bus Tour: Impressions at an Exhibition
- The Wirthlins are Mormon. Why am I not surprised?
- Short on cash, the Prop 8 campaign tries extortion.
- Thou Shalt Not Lie: Sign the letter to LDS President Monson
- Andrew Sullivan: The Mormon Money Behind Proposition 8
- From the desk of Frank Schubert, Yes on 8 Campaign Manager
- AP: Prop. 8 Campaign Seeks to Extort Funds from California Businesses
- Charles Barkley speaks out on marriage equality
- Mormon involvement in the Prop 8 contest is contrary to Mormon principles
- Latest Public Policy Institute Poll: Most California voters still oppose Prop 8
- Andrew Sullivan: The Mormon Church vs Civil Marriage Equality (Sullivan uses the Romney CT quote that I dug up)
- Andrew Sullivan: Mormons For Civil Rights
- Mormons Continue to Dominate California’s Yes on Prop 8 Campaign. New Total: $19.15 Million
- Huffington Post: Do Mormons Deserve Equal Protection Under the Law?
- Utah and Idaho Mormons heed the Yes on 8 campaign's rescue call
- Lavender Liberal: Ask yourself this question ...
- contact info: Jenny Lynne Pricer @ 310-487-1820 or
- The Church of Latter Day Spammers
- Sonja Eddings Brown: News Media At A Loss For Words (as if, Sonja, get a life ...)
- Vern Nelson @ The OJ Blog likes the new "No on Prop 8" ad
- Michelle Obama: Be Not Afraid
- WikiLeaks: LDS church Proposition 8 broadcast transcript, 8 Oct 2008
- Calitics: Mormons to deliver Prop 8 letters, petition to LDS Church HQ on Oct. 17th
- David Benkof: Even marriage defenders should reject Proposition 8
- Total Prop 8 Donations from Top 15 LDS Leaders: $0.00
- Vote NO on Prop 8 (and keep gov't out of our pants ... w/ great Courage Campaign video)
- DKos: kos pens another front page piece on Prop 8
- YouTube Video Response to Yes on Prop 8 Ad: Five Little Lies
- DKos: A Mormon's view of CA Prop (h)8
- MfM comments on October 8th LDS satellite broadcast re Prop 8
- Updated Yes on 8 Plans and Personnel
- Yes on Campaign Releases First TV Spot
- LA Times: Mass display of Proposition 8 support delayed
- OC Register: Intrusion into marriage should be even-handed
- Chino Blanco's YouTube Channel
- Paul Newman 1925 - 2008
- Ken Boyd ... Baghdad Boyd?
- Comments on the WSJ's 'Mormons Boost Antigay Marriage Effort'
- D-Day: Prop. 8: The Relay Fast
- WikiLeaks: Latest LDS (Mormon) Prop 8 campaign plans
- JM: 'Six Consequences' author had rocky start in Salt Lake politics
- Calitics: The Floundering Yes on 8 Campaign: One Million Missing Lawn Signs Found in ... (wait for it) ... China!
- Boi From Troy: Where are those Million Yard Signs?
- JM: Anonymous 'Six Consequences' tied to LDS PR flack Glen Greener and
- Wall Street Journal: Mormons Boost Antigay Marriage Effort
- Latest Field Poll Delight: Support for Prop 8 is at 38%
- DKos: What Do Mormons Have Against Love?
- PHB: The Unexpected Message The Yes On 8 Campaign Sends To Jews, Mormons, And Other Non-Evangelicals
- BYU Law Professor: "Six Consequences" = "Six Falsehoods" (PDF)
- Fat Salaries For "Yes on 8" Campaign's Evangelical Directors: Paid For By LDS (Mormon) Contributions
- OC Register: Crusading for ‘Judeo-Christian values’ doesn’t come cheap
- SoCal Journo Justin McClachlan rakes California Family Council muck
- LL: Some Upbeat Prop 8 News, If You Promise Not to Get Complacent
- Ron Prentice Gets Rich Fighting Gay Marriage
- David Benkof Redeems Himself: Right-wing nonsense
- Robert Latham: You Know Everything About Same-Sex Marriage
- Thrice-married Newt Gingrich: Brave Champion of Proposition 8
- One Mormon's Letter to The Salt Lake Tribune: Get it straight
- LL: Six Big Lies the Freedom-Haters Are Spreading About Prop 8
- Is the LDS (Mormon) Church telling the truth about Proposition 8?
- Huckabee: Romney responsible for implementing gay marriage in Massachusetts
- Frank Schubert: Micro-targeting Mormons
- Mormon Prop 8 Plan: 1,000,000 yard signs
- Vern Nelson @ The OJ Blog: Jubal’s Terror Unfounded: Schubert Flint NOT Overrun by Gay Yippie Bloggers!
- More Proposition 8 lies from the "Yes on 8" campaign
- ACTION ALERT: Tell the Right-Wing Consultants NO to Prop 8!
- August 14th Action in Irvine: Schubert Flint Open House
- Irvine CA 92614: Prop 8 Action Alert
- Prop 8 Photo Essay: Jennifer Kerns
- "Yes on 8" RSVP? Need your advice.
- Steven Greenhut: Hypocrisy and gay marriage
- Red County blogger Jeff Flint is the Prop. 8 consultant
- Carlyle Potter: Is Jesus pleased?
- Derek Price: Feeling the spirit of political rules
- Googling Gay Marriage: Putting a Fork in Prop 8
- The Prop 8 ATM: A Christmas Carol for Jeff Flint
- Meet Rameumptom, Inc: Schubert-Flint
- 9Moons: California Mormons Won’t Be Cool with Acts of Protest at Their Chapels
- An invitation to show up or walk out on June 29th
- BCC: Same-sex marriage and hypocrisy?
- Mormons enter California marriage fight
- New York Marriage Equality: Astroturfing - Courtesy of the Same Ten (Mormon) People
- Thank you, Governor Lynch. Thank you, Amelia.
- Pastor may have lost post over Prop 8
- NOM and Cornerstone Policy Research Present: "I'm Confused"
- About that CPR-A Cornerstone Policy Research New Hampshire "Poll"
- Heroes vs Zeroes: another NOM FAIL, this time on CNN
- The LDS Church, Proposition 8, and the Federal Law of Charities
- Pres. Obama's Mother Baptized by Proxy in Mormon Temple
- Outrage: The Movie
- Note to my Mormon friends at UFI, NOM and the Digital Network Army (DNA)
- Marie Osmond Talks About Her Daughter's Civil Rights
- "No Offense" but the latest NOM ad barely rates a mention
- How many Mormon actors in NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad?
- Check out NOM's Stand4Marriage Rally facebook page
- Preeminence vs Partisanship - Utah Gov. Huntsman: Equal rights are important. NOM? Not so much.
- Monrovia City Council Election Results: Shaw in, but is Kirby out?
- William Duncan of Utah is in Maine this week to Testify against LD 1020
- Mormon Sci-Fi Author Orson Scott Card Joins National Organization for Marriage Board
- Mormon Scion Matthew S. Holland Quits the NOM Board
- Stephen Colbert May or May Not Get a Call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about his new Ad
- Utah Tea Party Roundup
- Mormons for Marriage at Sunstone West
- Glenn Beck is still Mormon. Glenn Beck is still Insane.
- The Making of a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) TV Ad
- The Quorum of the Twelve Apostates
- No Protest Planned for LDS (Mormon) General Conference
- Glenn Beck is Mormon. Glenn Beck is Insane.
- Marriage equality rally in Montpelier, Vermont
- USA Today: If only Romney's supporters would act more like Mormon missionaries, the bias against Mitt would melt away.
- Mormon-owned Deseret News: Robert P. George is a philistine and Chuck Colson a boor
- Prop 8 redux! Some radical wacko is tracking Mormon prophet Thomas S. Monson using Google maps!
- Californians Against Hate: Manhattan Declaration -- Who Are They Kidding?
- Persecution Politics: Christian Leaders Sign Historic-Futuristic Declaration
- Maine’s Election Ethics Commission “Eager” to Continue Investigation into the National Organization for Marriage’s Role in Referendum Campaign against Marriage Equality
- Why the recent LDS statement in support of SLC nondiscrimination ordinances really does matter: The history of the LDS Church's position on housing and employment rights for gays
- Sutherland Institute's latest bright idea: Eliminate Utah Office of Tourism
- Buttarspalooza 2.0! In his own words: Utah Senator Chris Buttars Doesn't Want The Gays Stuffing It Down His Throat All The Time
- Gayle Ruzicka: Mormon church is wrong to oppose discrimination against LGBT Utahns
- Sutherland Institute: Mormon support for fair housing and employment = "giving a mouse a cookie"
- Dan Aiello: A kiss helps bring civil rights to Salt Lake City
- Utah Senator Chris Buttars "I accept the verbiage of the Mormon church." Verbiage? What a creep.
- Sutherland president Paul Mero ties religion to political thought
- NY Times: Mormon Support of Gay Rights Statute Draws Praise
- WaPo: Scott Fish claims Mormons not funding Maine campaign
- NOM in Maine: Follow the money, if you can
- Attorney General to NOM: Get into compliance with Maine law before the election. "Why not? What is there to hide?"
- NY Times: BYU students travel to Maine, LDS Church in Maine encouraging members to get involved in the Question One campaign
- Mormon Like Me: Black Saints, Bigots, and Beck
- For LDS, the handwriting is on the wall: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN
- As California's fight over gay marriage moves to Maine, so do the Wirthlins.
- I was hungry, you gave me hate, I was sick, you gave me lies.
- Uncovering secrets in Maine
- Mormon Marriott's Moral Masquerade: Hotel Chain Profits off of Unsafe Porn, Says AHF
- Stand for Marriage Maine's New TV Ad is pulled from YouTube due to Copyright Infringement
- 8: The Mormon Proposition (the movie - first trailer now online!)
- LA Times: Mormon Mainer Miriam Conners talks Yes on 1: "There is no family without mom and dad." Really, Miriam? None?
- The Religious Right is Swiftboating Same Sex Marriage in Maine
- The Gathering Storm Against NOM
- “No on 1” Ad Pre-empts Attacks from the Right
- Maine’s Anti-Equality Bait and Switch Auditions
- Criswell Associates and Coyote Films producing the sequel to NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad
- Red Flags in NOM Tax Return
- The real Common Sense America?
- So, who runs Common Sense America?
- Battle Lines Drawn In Maine Same-Sex Debate
- National Organization for Marriage 2007 tax return
- Michelangelo Signorile asks Brian Brown about Common Sense America
- LAT: The federal case on Prop. 8 could get ugly, with every canard about homosexuality being put on trial.
- How the Mormons finally got to meet the Pope: Prop 8.
- NCAA officials: BYU-Hawaii gets 3 years of probation for failing to monitor athletics program
- Polling Report: Court Decisions and Trends in Support for Same-Sex Marriage
- NOM's Brian Brown: “What kind of a country have we become ... ?"
- Maine asked to probe marriage referendum fundraising
- Take the Pledge to Defeat 1 | Protect Maine Equality
- AP: Maine Marriage Campaign Draws Complaint
- Breaking: Gay Marriage Leads to Deforestation
- Portland Diocese: Our recent $100K political donation came from a mystery donor
- National Organization for Marriage says HD90 is just the beginning
- Misplaced Catholic priorities in Maine means three churches will close
- An odd silence on gay marriage
- 'The Odd Couple': Sen. Orrin Hatch on his long friendship with Sen. Kennedy
- “My dad thinks it would be a bad business idea if I ever married a black girl.”
- First Sunday For ELCA (Lutheran) Churches After Historic Vote
- Church changes signage after controversial vote on homosexuality
- "I will make every effort to build as large and respectable a closet as possible for you."
- NOM Skirts IRS Regulations on Disclosure of Tax Returns
- Boies and Olson want to depose Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint
- Ted's Excellent Adventure - NYT: An Unexpected Ally's Road to Championing Same-Sex Marriage
- Karen Merkley's latest brilliant idea - MGF: Adopt-a-Site scheme for Mormon astroturfers
- I ♥ Holland - UFI: Dutch media leery of World Congress of Families wingnuts
- Newsweek: 'Big Love' Gets Unwarranted Criticism From Mormon Church
- "Big Love," the Temple, and What is Sacred: A Review
- Prop. 8 Press Sec. Sonja Eddings Brown issues "Big Love" instructions
- Kirby: Are ceremonies so sacred, or are Mormons insecure?
- Salt Lake Tribune: No need for an HBO apology on 'Big Love'
- Wrong on both counts
News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.