Check out this wonderful report by Scott Sassone of Portland's WCSH6: Wedding Anniversary Sparks Gay Marriage Debate.
Paul Hogarth explains Why Maine Matters. Louise @ Pam's House Blend: Maine Couple Celebrates 40th Anniversary
And then catch our double feature: Ron Schwizer and Doug Kimmel describing their forty years together + the new Maine Equality ad Together:
And for the benefit of any who might be wondering what Rick Delano is going on about below in comments, here's NOM's new Iowa ad:
Backgrounder from desmoinesdem at MyDD:
"Voters will elect a new state representative for Iowa House district 90 in a special election on September 1. The southeastern Iowa district leans slightly Democratic in terms of voter registration, but political scientists have found that special elections and by-elections often favor opposition parties, whose supporters are more motivated to turn out. (Democrats control both chambers of the Iowa legislature as well as the governor's chair.)
Neither Republican Stephen Burgmeier nor Democrat Curt Hanson has highlighted same-sex marriage rights during the brief campaign in district 90, but a major advertising campaign funded by the National Organization for Marriage is likely to put the issue front and center during the final stretch.
Chase Martyn of Iowa Independent posted yesterday that the National Organization for Marriage "has purchased $86,060 worth of television and radio ads" to help Burgmeier. That is a major ad buy for an Iowa legislative district. Martyn uploaded an independent expenditure report (pdf file) that the group filed with the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, but that document didn't include information about the content or placement of the ads.
If Burgmeier is successful on September 1, expect his campaign strategy to be copied in competitive legislative districts next year. Republican candidates can focus on economic issues while outside groups pay for ads attacking gay marriage."
10 days until first election tests marriage equality in Iowa