What follows is intended to serve as supplementary material for those who might be interested in viewing a sequential presentation of the various YouTube clips that Karen references in her post.
March 28, 2009. Washington, DC. 2009 Pollie Awards and Conference.
American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) Proposition 8 Case Study.
90 minutes of Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint:
30 minutes of Frank Schubert from a year earlier.
June 23, 2008. Sacramento, CA. American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) Initiatives & Referendums Panel.
"Technology & Techniques 2008 Ask the Experts Seminar"
A lot of footage to digest. One frame that caught my attention in the first clip:

Question: How do you get voters to ...Quite the revealing PowerPoint slide, Frank.
* Say 'no' to universal health coverage
* Turn down taxing tobacco companies
* Continue clear cutting forests
* Let insurance companies use credit ratings to set insurance rates
* Overturn legalized gay marriage in one of America's most liberal states