First Yes On 1 Ad debuts in Maine

The much awaited spin-off of last summer's hit series, Yes on 8, is now ready to launch its new season.

The same drama, the same white-knuckle fear, featuring an all-new Bostonian cast.

Be the first to watch the powerhouse debut episode of Yes on 1, Hide the Children:

And once you've watched this episode, tell us what you think!

(And if you do, you'll get access to bonus scenes not available to regular Yes on 1 viewers!)

Scenes like these:

Meet Sam Putnam of Portland, who plays high school football and baseball, and is the pride and joy of his mother, Jennifer and her partner, Michelle.
For Sam, it's pretty basic -- this is his family and he wants them to be valued and treated equally in Maine.

Meet Bill Whitten of Yarmouth, a former college football player and U.S. Marine. Bill has two daughters -- one gay and one straight.
For Bill, it's simple -- he wants both his girls treated fairly and equally, and that includes marrying the person they love.

And if you preferred the bonus material to the regular fare, here's where you find out how you can make sure it gets aired.

And for those of you looking for analysis ... here you go:

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    News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.

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