Idaho gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell will be mixing what he calls doctrines from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints into his gubernatorial campaign in a series of meetings slated for LDS elders only.Borrowing a line more commonly used by the LDS leadership to explain Mormon temple ceremonies, the candidate described his rallies as sacred, not secret:
In January, Rammell will kick off a series of special meetings targeted specifically at "faithful priesthood-holders of the LDS Church" to discuss the so-called "White Horse" prophecy.
"There is nothing secret about the meeting -- it's just the sacred nature of the things we will be talking about," said Rammell. "We are going to talk about (LDS Church founder) Joseph Smith's prophecy that the Constitution will be hanging by a thread and that the Latter-day Saint elders will step forward and save it."Mormon women are barred from holding the LDS priesthood, but the GOP hopeful provided a further explanation for their exclusion from the campaign meetings:
Rammell said that though LDS women were not invited because of lack of space, he hopes that the men will take the message home to their wives.And what message might some critics take home from Rammell's announcement? As the Standard Journal notes: "In the past, Rammell has been criticized for using his faith to further his campaign."
Whether the aspiring Republican is guilty of that in this instance will be the subject of in-depth follow-up coverage by the Standard Journal, just as soon as its reporters have obtained the ecclesiastical clearance required to attend Rammell campaign events.

(image h/t Steven Pope)
In other Mormon news:

David J. Harmer, Mormon congressional candidate: The Spirit prompted me to run, because I am strong like Captain Moroni.
(Gen. JC Christian, patriot, provides additional commentary: Captain Moroni for Congress)
And ... Meet Ben McAdams, Utah's newest state senator:
Ben McAdams, a senior adviser for Salt Lake Mayor Ralph Becker, will become Utah's newest state senator ...
McAdams, who is married and the father of three children, told the delegates he would work for fairness and equality.
"I plan to be a visible ally for gay and transgendered Utahns," he said. "We are agents of change."
More Mormons like Ben McAdams, please.
Update: Rex Rammell describes official LDS church disapproval of his tactics as "ridiculous":
An LDS church spokesman has released this statement:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is politically neutral and does not endorse or promote any candidate party or platform.Rex:
Accordingly, we hope that the campaign practices of political candidates would not suggest that their candidacy is supported by or connected to the church."
"We are in America's second Revolutionary War to save our freedom, which we paid for with blood. We need God's help and I'm not ashamed to ask for it ... It is time we rise up and defend the Constitution. In order to motivate my fellow LDS Elders, I've invited many to attend meetings to discuss Joseph Smith's prophecies and how we can help save the Constitution.Update II:
Some people ... think it is inappropriate for me to hold such meetings. I think that is ridiculous."
Rexburg, Idaho's Standard Journal reports:
The LDS Church has issued a statement regarding the church's stance on Idaho gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell's "elders only" meetings.Undaunted, Rex digs in:
Kim Farah, spokeswoman for the LDS church, issued this statement:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is politically neutral and does not endorse or promote any candidate, party or platform. Accordingly, we hope that the campaign practices of political candidates would not suggest that their candidacy is supported by or connected to the church.
"The so-called 'White Horse Prophecy' is based on accounts that have not been substantiated by historical research and is not embraced as Church doctrine."
LDS Church issues statement on Rex Rammell | Rex Rammell touts Mormon-only male-only campaign rallies |
Rex Redux: OK, you're gonna have to edit that ... | Mormon candidate for Idaho governor: Uncut, Unedited, Unhinged |
Good on the SLC LDS leadership for stepping up and calling Rex out on his shenanigans.
And now, just for fun, The Osmonds "Crazy Horses":