Sundance exposure leads to Buttars meltdown

Utah senator claims his homophobic rant - recorded by the creators of "8: The Mormon Proposition" - was induced by BYU insignia:

8:TMP's Sundance debut was apparently a huge success, with lots of favorable local coverage:

Plenty of folks showed up for both Sundance and the kick-off of the Utah State Legislature's 2010 General Session:

Of course, no trip to Utah would be complete without locking horns with last year's star of Buttarspalooza, who is now claiming the makers of 8: The Mormon Proposition tricked him by wearing BYU T-shirts to last year's interview that launched the documentary film:

Gotta love how the LDS church issues a statement calling for truthfulness and Mormon senator Chris Buttars responds by lying about the film crew who caught him on tape!

Soon after a local Utah blogger produced PROOF of Buttars' mendacity, the film's director, Reed Cowan, called on the prevaricating Utah state senator to RESIGN.

Good times!

Video Tags: 8TMP, 8:TMP, 8: The Mormon Proposition, Brandie Balken, Bruce Bastian, Buttarspalooza, Chris Buttars, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dustin Lance Black, Equality Utah, Eric Ethington, LDS, LGBT, Mormon, Mormons, Matthew Lyon, Pride in Utah, Reed Cowan, Steven Greenstreet, Sundance, Troy Williams, Utah

Here's where I start dropping random links as the story develops:

One Utah: The very special cowardice of Chris Buttars

KUTV (latest Utah TV news report): Filmmaker Calls For Buttars Resignation; Says He Lied

SL Trib blog: More fallout from "8": Utah State Sen. Chris Buttars doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

Oh, and by the way, just in case you failed to notice, we're currently voting on X-Mormon of the Year HERE. My own personal favorites (and it's an honest toss-up, folks) include: Dustin Lance Black, Reed Cowan and Christine Johnson. Whoever you vote for, pls take advantage of the opportunity to finally vote on the Mormons!

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    News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.

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