Fred Karger thinks Romney is scary, too.
More Mitt:
And more folks talking about Mitt:
Man, it used to drive me nuts when kids would copy over my shoulder during tests, so I think I know how Mitt's feeling right about now. I mean, it looks like Barack stole all of Romney's best ideas for this HCR deal. So, to be fair, I think we should repeal the HCR that just passed, and then pass the same package again in 2012, but this time make sure Mitt gets the credit, OK?
Hardee har har.
SAN DIEGO DEMONSTRATION (download the flyer here)
Monday, March 22nd – 6:00 pm

Ask Mitt Romney to help stop the Mormon Church’s campaign against gay marriage!
As a national political leader and influential member of the Mormon Church, Mitt Romney could persuade Church leaders to end their 15 years of active involvement and massive financial support to oppose equal rights for Gay and Lesbian Americans.
The Mormon Church and its members have spent tens of millions of dollars in 31 states to ban gay marriage and hurt so many people.
Mormon Church Leaders should take a vow of political neutrality on gay rights, similar to their stated practice in partisan elections.
WHAT: Demonstration at Mitt Romney’s Book Signing
WHEN: Monday, March 22nd at 6:00 pm
WHERE: Deseret Bookstore (meet at S.E. Corner of Nobel Dr. and Villa La Jolla Dr.)
La Jolla Village Sq. Shopping Center
8657 Villa La Jolla Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037
(Exit 28 off I-5 south -- Exit 28A off I-5 north)
Tel: 858-535-1404
Californians Against Hate
P.S. Take a moment and catch up with Mitt's 1994 incarnation:
Notice how committed Mitt seemed back then to the principle of not using political power to impose personal (i.e., religious) beliefs on others. Also, found the question about Boy Scouts of America interesting, and how Mitt avoided answering the question regarding his own responsibility as a member of the BSA board.
Come to think of it, that's going to be my contribution to sign ideas for this protest: "We're here because our ally, the Mitt Romney of 1994, would gladly join us in protesting Mitt Romney version 2010. Google 'The Real Romney?' and watch and judge for yourself."
That said, brevity has never been my forte ;-) ... plus a fresh link:
Mitt Romney's healthcare hypocrisy and the GOP base
OK, this next bit is apropos of nothing, except that I just opened Brian Brown's latest NOM email blast, and he's trying to spin the defeat of Bennett's obnoxious anti-DC-SSM entry in the vote-o-rama with a little tough talk: "59 U.S. Senators are now on record allowing same-sex marriage in DC."
Hey, Brian, it was a meaningless party line vote that provides zero insight into anything. Well, maybe not zero insight. As you yourself note: "Ironically, the only two Republicans to join with the Democrats in opposing the amendment were Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins ... of Maine."
Yes, after all the money NOM pumped into Maine, that's some delicious irony right there, Brian. You've really put Maine on notice, haven't you? Way to go!