Suicide Prevention Outreach and Candlelight Vigil at Mesa Mormon Temple
Bobby Parker (cell 480-586-5040)
Clinton Bartlett, LPC (phone 602-751-7414)
Where: Pioneer Park, 526 East Main Street in Mesa (Pioneer Park is one block east of Mesa Drive on Main Street)
When: Friday, Nov 26th, from 5PM-10PM
Who: The Phoenix GLBT Coalition
Phoenix, AZ - November 19, 2010 – The Phoenix GLBT Coalition announces a suicide prevention outreach and candlelight vigil aimed at preventing gay Mormon suicides in Arizona, set for Friday, November 26th, coinciding with the Christmas lighting ceremony at the Mormon Temple located across the street from Pioneer Park. The purpose of the demonstration is to make gay Mormons aware of The Trevor Project Suicide Prevention National Hotline (866-4-u-trevor or 866-488-7386) and the local Gay and Lesbian organization for gay Mormons, Phoenix Affirmation (480-586-5040). The outreach will also continue the national message, “It Gets Better” and that there is help available.
There will be three parts to the outreach event. First, volunteers will gather at 5:00 p.m. on the public sidewalks around the temple to offer outreach cards with the Trevor Hotline and Affirmation information on them to those attending the Christmas Lights ceremony.
Second, at approximately 6:30 all volunteers will gather on the sidewalk in front of Pioneer Park to listen to speakers. Matt Salmon, 22, gay ex-Mormon and son of prominent Republican politician and lobbyist of the same name, will speak. Matt is Chairman of the Log Cabin Republicans in Arizona. Caleb Laieski, 16, founder of Gays and Lesbians United Against Discrimination (GLUAD) who attends Shadow Mountain High School in Surprise, a non-Mormon activist who worked to change the discrimination policies in his school, will speak along with Pastor Brad Wishon, a member of No Longer Silent Clergy for Justice. There may be others in attendance invited to speak, with Clinton Bartlett, a licensed psychotherapist, and co-organizer of the event, as the concluding speaker.
Third, when speeches are over, everyone will light a candle and proceed to line the public sidewalks around the temple. When all are in place, the Christmas Carol, Silent Night, will be sung. The words, “...sleep in heavenly peace” will have great significance as at the end of the song, candles will be snuffed out simultaneously around the temple to symbolically represent the snuffing out of so many lives by suicide.
Outreach cards will continue to be given out, but volunteers will also be free to enjoy the Christmas lights presentation in the gardens and Visitors’ Center as guests of the LDS Church.
About the Phoenix GLBT Coalition for Mormon Action
This is a grassroots effort built around cooperation from the many GLBT organizations in the Phoenix, Arizona area. HRC, Gays and Lesbians United Against Discrimination (GLUAD), Equality Arizona, H.E.R.O., No Longer Silent Clergy for Justice, and the Imperial Court of Arizona are joined by gay and affirming congregations to reach out to the Mormon population in our state with a message of love and hope. All are welcome to join in the outreach; there is work for everyone to do.
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x-posted at Pam's House Blend and Street Prophets.