My name is Jean Bodie and I’m an Ex Mormon.

I am a wife, mother of 5 children and grandmother to 12 – soon to be 13. I adore my family and love spending time with them whenever I can.

My life in the Mormon Church began when two missionaries knocked on my door in Dorset, England. I felt their sincerity and desperately wanted to have that strong testimony and peace that their gospel seemed to deliver. After praying for this testimony and receiving no answer, I doubled my efforts and read and prayed some more. Despite being taught that an adulterous generation sought after signs I felt that I sorely needed just one sign to help me make the decision to join the Church. I wanted to believe what the young missionaries taught me, and wasn’t a ‘burning in the bosom’ a sign? One night as I knelt in prayer – still having received no answer, I asked God to cause some physical discomfort that would be strong enough to let me know that this was a definite answer and sure enough, a pain began in my leg and I arose from my knees in grateful assurance that joining this church was God’s plan for me (the leg pain was completely understandable considering that I had been kneeling for a very long time). I now look at this as simple confirmation bias; I wanted to believe that I had received communication from God. I was baptized on September 3rd 1967 and from that time forward I began; line upon line; precept upon precept in my journey to becoming what I hoped was a model Mormon.
Read the rest of Jean's exit story at I Am An Ex Mormon.


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    News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.

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