Which of these fabulous X-Mormons had the biggest impact in 2010?
Vote now! (or better yet, spend the next few minutes scrolling down and clicking the links to our nominee bios before you do!)
Elna Baker

Author, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance
Bruce Bastian

Businessman, philanthropist and social activist
Roy Halladay

Major League Baseball pitcher
Kristine Haglund

Editor, Dialogue Journal
Merrill Oates

Online learning and mobile communication technologies wizard
Terry Tempest Williams

Author, naturalist, and conservationist
Daniel Johnson

Founder, I am an Ex Mormon video project
Holly Welker

Writer, HuffPo and everywhere
Micah McAllister

Founder, Life After Mormonism online community
Joseph R. Stromberg

Independent historian and columnist
Steve Benson

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist
Eric Ethington

Founder, PRIDE in Utah
Michelle Paradise

Actress, writer and producer
Brian Keith Dalton

Mr. Deity
Jeff Ricks

Founder, PostMormon online community
Reed Cowan

Documentary filmmaker
Monica Bielanko

Author, The Girl Who
Karl Butcher

Founder, r/exmormon
Eliza Dushku

Actress, activist
Kate Kendell

Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights
Poll open until Feb 11th 22:00 GMT, but don't wait, Vote Now!!
Make no mistake, winning the William Law X-Mormon of the Year award is a highly sought-after honor.
The winner will receive two tickets to:

With cash prizes to console our 2nd and 3rd place finishers.